How notes are omitted
In the previous section, it was stated that notes are not enclosed in a
special environment. "seminar.sty" omits notes using special
macrosDefined in xcomment.sty that comment out everything
outside the slide environments (and a few other environments mentioned
below). Global declarations that should be processed even when slides are
omitted go in allversions* environments, described below.
"seminar.sty" also let you use a more conventional approach to notes. If you
put the command
in the preamble, then the notes go inside note environments, and you can
put all the global declarations outside any environment. "xcomment.sty" is
used to make note a comment environment when note should be omitted, and
otherwise the note environment does nothing. This mode of operation is
more robust than omitting everything outside the slide environments, but
remembering to insert the
\begin{note} ... \end{note}
is more tedious.
Here are a few technicalities that have to do with "xcomment.sty" and that
apply whether or not you use .
- The text that follows the beginning of a slide environment (when not
using ) or the end of a note environment must have
balanced curly braces.
- " =" and "SPMquot; commands are followed, even when found in
omitted notes, but you must use the LATEX syntax "" (as
opposed to
\input <file>
), and the inputted file must end with
- In omitted text, "to comment out a slide or note environment).
- A temporary file, "sem-user.tmp", is created (this is of no
consequence—just in case you wanted to know where it comes from).
The rest of this section deals with special considerations when omitting
everything outside the slide environments.
If you might want to make a global change to one of the slide parameters after
the document preamble, you cannot include it in a slide environment because
the change will be local, and you cannot include it in the notes because the
change won't be processed when the notes are omitted.
To get around this problem, an environment allversions* is provided. It is
processed even when notes are omitted, and any parameter changes or command
definitions made within the environment are global. Don't generate any output
within this environment.
On a rare occasion you might want to include some text that should be typeset
even when the other notes are omitted (e.g., a list of the slides, or a cover
page). The allversions environment is provided for this purpose.
If you do any serious hacking, you might want to add to the list of
environments that should be included with the "slidesonly" selection. Do this
with the command
where <list> is a comma separated list of environments, without spaces.;''